Animal Calendar

#AnimalCalendar is the rubric of the Institute of Animal Law of Asia (IALA) where you can learn more about the species inhabiting the regions of Asia.

Himalayan Tahr

The #HimalayanTahr is a large even-toed ungulate native to the Himalayas in southern Tibet, northern India, western Bhutan, and Nepal. They have been introduced to Argentina, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States as invasive species. Their population is declining due to hunting and habitat loss, and they are listed as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List. Share this post to improve the awareness of #HimalayanTahr!

White-fronted Tit

The #WhiteFrontedTit is a species of small, uncommon birds of lowland and foothill forest canopy and edge. The global population size has not been quantified, but moderately rapid declines are likely to be occurring in line with rapid and ongoing habitat loss. Share this post to improve the awareness of #WhiteFrontedTit!

Nubian Ibex

The #NubianIbex is a species of desert-dwelling goats found in mountainous areas of northern and northeast Africa, and the Middle East. Currently, their population is fewer than 10 000 individuals in the wild mainly due to lack of water availability, poaching, and competition with livestock. Share this post to improve the awareness of #NubianIbexes!

Asian Houbara

The #AsianHoubara, otherwise known as the MacQueen's bustard is a large bird in the bustard family, native to the desert and steppe regions of Asia, east from the Sinai Peninsula extending across Kazakhstan east to Mongolia. The population of this species has decreased by 20 to 50% between 1984 and 2004 mainly due to hunting and changes in land use. Share this post to improve the awareness of #AsianHoubaras!

Asiatic Brush-tailed Porcupine

The #AsiaticBrushTailedPorcupine is a species of rodent in the family Hystricidae. This species is known to be one of the rarest porcupines in South Asia, protected legally in some countries and in a number of protected areas in Southeast Asia. Share this post to improve the awareness of #AsiaticBrushTailedPorcupines!


The #Siamang is an arboreal, black-furred gibbon that is native to the forests of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand, and the only species in the genus Symphalangus. These animals are mainly threatened by habitat loss due to logging and deforestation. Share this post to improve the awareness of #Siamangs!

Tricarinate Hill Turtle

The #TricarinateHillTurtle, otherwise known as a three-keeled land turtle, is a species of turtle that can be found in northeastern India, Bangladesh, and Nepal. These turtles are threatened mainly by habitat degradation and pet trade. Share this post to improve the awareness of #TricarinateHillTurtles!

Lion-tailed Macaque

The #LionTailedMacaque, or the wanderoo, is an Old World monkey endemic to the Western Ghats of South India. These animals are classified as Endangered, and the major threats include mainly habitat loss and habitat degradation. Share this post to improve the awareness of #LionTailedMacaques!

Purple Sunbird

The #PurpleSunbird is a species of small sunbird that is found mainly in South and Southeast Asia, extending into some parts of the Arabian Peninsula. Even though the population of this species is considered stable, birds are threatened by use as pets, display animals, and habitat degradation. Share this post to improve the awareness of #PurpleSunbirds!

Eld's Deer

The #EldsDeer, also known as the thamin or brow-antlered deer, is an endangered species of deer endemic to South Asia. This species is protected in the range countries and included in Appendix I of CITES. Share this post to improve the awareness of #EldsDeer!

Borneo Earless Monitor

The #EarlessMonitorLizard is a species of semi-aquatic, brown lizard native to the Southeast Asian island of Borneo. This is the only living species in the family Lanthanotidae and is related to the true monitor lizards. Share this post to improve the awareness of #EarlessMonitorLizards!

Smooth-Coated Otter

The #SmoothCoatedOtter is a species of otter inhabiting most of the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. This species has been listed as Vulnerable under the IUCN Red List since 1996, and since 2019, they have been moved from Appendix II to Appendix I of CITES. Share this post to improve the awareness of #SmoothCoatedOtters!

Sri Lanka Blue Magpie

The #SriLankaBlueMagpie is a species of birds found exclusively in Sri Lanka. This species is listed as Vulnerable with the major threat of habitat loss. A moratorium on logging in wet zones in the 1990s has the potential to slow down the decrease of their population, but air pollution and the use of biocides continue to threaten them. Share this post to improve the awareness of #SriLankaBlueMagpies!

Four Horned Antelope

The #FourHornedAntelope is a species of small antelopes found in India and Nepal. India protects this species by including in its Schedule I the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 and the population in Nepal is listed in Appendix III of CITES. Share this post to improve the awareness of #FourHornedAntelopes!

Asiatic Lion

The #AsiaticLion is a species of lions currently inhabiting only India, historically inhabited areas of the Middle East to northern India. The major threats to this species remain poaching and climate change that causes large wildfires and leads to habitat degradation. Share this post to improve the awareness of #AsiaticLions!

Wild Water Buffalo

The #WildWaterBuffalo, also known as #AsianBuffalo, is a species of large bovine native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. This species has been listed as Endangered under the IUCN Red List since 1986, as the remaining population estimates less than 4,000. A population decline of at least 50% over the last three generations is projected to continue. Share this post to improve the awareness of #WildWaterBuffalos!

Red-tailed Butterflyfish

The #RedTailedButterflyfish is a species of marine ray-finned fish that can be found in reefs of the Indo-west Pacific region: from the Persian Gulf and the Maldives to Japan, the Philippines, and Indonesia. Although their population has been assessed as stable by the IUCN Red List, they can still face threats from human activities, the major ones are fishing and climate crisis. Share this post to improve the awareness of #RedTailedButterflyfish!

Sumatran Rhino

The #SumatranRhinoceros is a rare member of the Rhinocerotidae family and one of the five extant species of rhinos. They are mostly threatened by poaching for their horns, for the use in medicine and trade, as well as habitat loss. Share this post to improve the awareness of #SumatranRhinoceros!

Great Hornbill

The #GreatHornbill is a species of hornbill and one of the larger members of the hornbill family that can be found in Southeast Asia. This species is classified as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List and is listed in Appendix I of CITES. Share this post to improve the awareness of #GreatHornbills!


The #Saola is a critically endangered species of oxen and one of the world's rarest large mammals. This species has been listed in the IUCN Red List first as Endangered in 1994. They are included in Appendix I of CITES and are protected at the national level in some jurisdictions. Share this post to improve the awareness of #Saolas!

Hawksbill Turtle

The #HawksbillSeaTurtle is a critically endangered species of sea turtle inhabiting the tropic areas. This species has been listed in the IUCN Red List first as Endangered in 1982. They are included in Appendix I of CITES and are protected at the national level in some jurisdictions. Share this post to improve the awareness of #HawksbillSeaTurtles!

Sloth Bear

The #SlothBear is a species of bear endemic to the Indian subcontinent. They are listed in Appendix I of CITES and also protected by the Indian Wildlife Protection Act. Share this post to improve the awareness of #SlothBears!

Dwarf Blue Sheep

The #DwarfBlueSheep is an endangered species of caprid found in Sichuan-Tibet. It is a subspecies of the bharal. In 2000, the estimated population of this species was 200 individuals. They are often hunted and generally cannot escape from humans. Share this post to improve the awareness of #DwarfBlueSheep!

Irrawaddy Dolphin

The #IrrawaddyDolphin is a species of oceanic dolphin inhabiting discontinuous subpopulations near sea coasts and estuaries and rivers. This species is included in Appendix I of CITES, both Appendix I and II of CMS. They are also covered by the Memorandum of Understanding for the Conservation of Cetaceans and Their Habitats in the Pacific Islands Region. Share this post to improve the awareness of #IrrawaddyDolphins!


The #Binturong is a viverrid native to South and Southeast Asia. India includes this species in Appendix III of CITES and Schedule I of the Wildlife Protection Act. Bangladesh, some parts of Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam are protecting this species under their jurisdiction. Share this post to improve the awareness of #Binturongs!

Agile Gibbon

The #AgileGibbon is a species of primate in the gibbon family found in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. They are mainly threatened by habitat destruction and the pet trade. Share this post to improve the awareness of #AgileGibbons!

Indian Pangolin

The #IndianPangolin is a species of pangolin native to the Indian subcontinent. They are threatened by poaching for the purposes of consumption, medicine, and trade. This species is also listed in Appendix I of CITES. Share this post to improve the awareness of #IndianPangolins!

Komodo Dragon

The #KomodoDragon is a species of lizard endemic to the Indonesian islands (Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang). This species has been listed as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List since 1996 and included in Appendix I of CITES. Share this post to improve the awareness of #KomodoDragons!


The #Markhor is a species of the Bovidae family native to Central Asia, Karakoram, and the Himalayas. They have been listed under the IUCN Red List as Near Threatened since 2015. Share this post to improve the awareness of #Markhors!

Chinese Paddlefish

The #ChinesePaddlefish is a reportedly extinct species of fish and was native to the Yangtze and Yellow River in China. The IUCN Red List classified this species as Critically Endangered in the 1990s, and this species was last seen alive in 2003. Share this post to improve the awareness of #ChinesePaddlefish!

Spectral Tarsier

The #SpectralTarsier is a species of tarsier found in Indonesia. They are mostly threatened by human disturbance, habitat destruction and fragmentation. Share this post to improve the awareness of #SpectralTarsiers!

Siberian Crane

The #SiberianCrane is a species of crane inhabiting Asian countries. They are listed in the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) and included in the Memorandum of Understanding concerning Conservation Measures for the Siberian Crane. Share this post to improve the awareness of #SiberianCranes!


The #Caracal is a species of wild cat native to the Middle East, Central Asia, and Africa. Asian populations are listed in Appendix I of CITES, while African caracals are listed under Appendix II. In Asia, hunting is prohibited in Afghanistan, India, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Syrie, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Share this post to improve the awareness of #Caracals!

Green Peafowl

The #GreenPeafowl is a species of peafowl endemic to Southeast Asia. This species has been listed under the IUCN Red List as Endangered since 2009 due to their severe loss of habitat and poaching. They are also listed in Appendix II of CITES. Share this post to improve the awareness of #GreenPeafowls!

Buru Babirusa

The #BuruBabirusa is a wild pig-like animal endemic to the Indonesian islands of Buru, the two Sula Islands of Mangole, and Taliabu. The major threat to this species is logging and hunting, and currently, they are listed as Vulnerable under the IUCN Red List. Share this post to improve the awareness of #BuruBabirusas!


The #Gharial is a species of crocodile and is considered to be the longest of all living crocodilians. This species is listed in Appendix I of CITES. In India, they are protected under the Wildlife Protection Act; in Nepal, they are fully protected under the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act. Share this post to improve the awareness of #Gharials!

Himalayan Musk Deer

The #HimalayanMuskDeer is a species of deer inhabiting Bhutan, China, India, and Nepal. This species has been overexploited - as a result was listed as Endangered species under the IUCN Red List. Share this post to improve the awareness of #HimalayanMuskDeer!

Striped Hyena

The #StripedHyena is a species of hyena endemic to the Middle East, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and North and East Africa. This species is also Lebanon’s national animal. Their population continues to decrease and it is estimated that the numbers may decline by 10% over the next three generations. Share this post to improve the awareness of #StripedHyenas!

Egyptian Spiny-tailed Lizard

The #EgyptianSpinyTailedLizard is a species of lizard endemic to North Africa and the Middle East. Due to habitat degradation, they are rarely seen today. This species is used for leather production and an alternative source of protein. Share this post to improve the awareness of #EgyptianSpinyTailedLizards!

Mountain Gazelle

The #MountainGazelle is a species of gazelle unevenly distributed in Asian countries. They are often poached for their skin, meat, and horns and harmed by road accidents. Since 1985, with a population of 10 000, in 2016, the numbers have declined to 2500 - 3000 individuals. Share this post to improve the awareness of #MountainGazelles!

Arabian Oryx

The #ArabianOryx is a species of antelope native to the Arabian Peninsula. In the early 1970s, this species was extinct but was reintroduced into the wild a decade later. They are now listed as Vulnerable species under the IUCN Red List and included in Appendix I of CITES. Share this post to improve the awareness of #ArabianOryxes!

Arabian Gazelle

The #ArabianGazelle is a species of gazelle native to the Arabian Peninsula. The decline in their population occurred because of human disturbances, such as construction, illegal hunting, predation, climate change. Share this post to improve the awareness of #ArabianGazelles!

Brown Bear

The #BrownBear is a large species of bears found in Eurasia and North America. Their population is threatened by human activities, such as logging, land development, oil and gas industry. Share this post to improve the awareness of #BrownBears!

Pallas's Fish-eagle

The #PallassFishEagle is a species of large sea eagles native to Asia. They are among the migratory species and are bred in Central Asia and Russia. Their population decreases due to habitat degradation, pollution, and reduced prey. Share this post to improve the awareness of #PallassFishEagles!


The #Onager, otherwise known as Asiatic wild ass, is a species of horses native to Asia. They are among the fastest mammals in the world and are closely related to the African wild ass sharing the same ancestor. In 2008, they were classified as Endangered species under the IUCN Red List, but in 2015, they have been listed as Near Threatened. Share this post to improve the awareness of #Onagers!

Pallas's Cat

The Pallas’s Cat is a species of small wild cats native to Asian countries. They are threatened by poaching, prey base decline, and habitat alteration. Apart from being listed under the IUCN Red List as Least Concern species, they are also included in Appendix II of CITES. Share this post to improve the awareness of #PallassCats!

Tibetan Fox

The #TibetanFox is a species of true fox endemic to Nepal, China, and India. Due to their widespread range in the Tibetan Plateau, Tibetan foxes are listed as Least Concern under the IUCN Red List. There are no major threats to these species, although poisoning of pikas, their major prey, might pose a concern. Share this post to improve the awareness of #TibetanFoxes!

Philippine Pangolin

The #PhilippinePangolin is a species of pangolins endemic to the province of Palawan. This species is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List and included in Appendix I of CITES. Share this post to improve the awareness of #PhilippinePangolins!

Proboscis Monkey

The #ProboscisMonkey, also known as a long-nosed monkey, is a species of monkey endemic to Southeast Asia. Their population has decreased by more than 50% in the past 40 years due to logging and hunting, as well as used in traditional medicine. Share this post to improve the awareness of #ProboscisMonkeys!

Javan Slow Loris

The #JavanSlowLoris is a species of primates native to Indonesia. This species is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List and included in Appendix I of CITES. Share this post to improve the awareness of #SlowLorises!


The #Mugger is a crocodile native to Southern Iran to the Indian subcontinent. This species has been listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List since 1982 and included in Appendix I of CITES. Share this post to improve the awareness of #Muggers!

King Cobra

The #KingCobra is the world’s longest venomous snake native to Southeast Asia. This species has been listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List since 2010 and included in Appendix II of CITES. Share this post to improve the awareness of #KingCobras!

Sunda Clouded Leopard

The #SundaCloudedLeopard is a species of wild cats native to Southeast Asia. This species has been classified as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List since 2015 and is listed under Appendix I of CITES. Share this post to improve the awareness of #SundaCloudedLeopards!


The #Dugong is the only living species of the Dugongidae family. This species’ closest relative, Steller’s sea cow, was hunted to extinction in the 18th century. Currently, the dugong is listed in Appendix I of CITES. Several countries protect them within their jurisdictions, such as Mozambique, UAE, Sri Lanka, India. Share this post to improve the awareness of #Dugongs!

Sun Bear

The #SunBear is a species of the family Ursidae inhabiting Southeast Asia. This species is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List and included in Appendix I of CITES. They are legally protected from hunting in the whole range, except Sarawak and Cambodia. Share this post to improve the awareness of #SunBears!


The #Dhole is a canid native to Central, South, East, and Southeast Asia. They are protected under Schedule 2 of the Wildlife Protection Act in India; Russia has been protecting this species since 1974; in China, they are recognized as a category II protected species; in Cambodia, dholes are protected from hunting; Vietnam’s conservation laws limit extraction and utilization. Share this post to improve the awareness of #Dholes!

Visayan Hornbill

The #VisayanHornbill is a highly endangered hornbill found on the islands of the Philippines. They are threatened mostly by hunting, deforestation, and horticulture. Share this post to improve the awareness of #VisayanHornbills!

Wild Yak

The #WildYak is one of the largest extant bovid threatened by human activities. They are protected legally both in China and India. Share this post to improve the awareness of #WildYaks!

Bengal Tiger

The #BengalTiger, also known as the #RoyalBengalTiger, is a species of the tiger of the Panthera tigris tigris native to the Indian subcontinent. They are considered the biggest wild cats alive belonging to the world’s charismatic megafauna. The main threats to this animal are mostly poaching, loss, and fragmentation of habitat. Share this post to improve the awareness of #BengalTigers!


The #Reindeer is a species of deer native to northern Europe, Siberia, and North America. This species has been listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List since 2015. A lot of natural factors and human activities contribute to the decline of their population. Share this post to improve the awareness of #Reindeer!

Asiatic Black Bear

The #AsiaticBlackBear is a species of bears native to Asia. Deforestation and hunting are the main threats to their small population. A few Asian countries have issued hunting ban regulations on these bears. They can be aggressive towards humans due to frequent trapping and killing for traditional medicine. Share this post to improve the awareness of #AsiaticBlackBears!

Myanmar Snub-nosed Monkey

The #MyanmarSnubNosedMonkey is a species of Colobinae discovered in Burma in 2010. Deforestation and hunting are the main threats to their small population. It was proposed to create a national park to protect this species in Myanmar. Share this post to improve the awareness of #MyanmarSnubNosedMonkeys!

White-bellied Heron

The #WhiteBelliedHeron is a species of large heron known from the foothills of the eastern Himalayas and Bhutan to northeastern Bangladesh and Burma. This species has been listed as Critically Endangered under the IUCN Red List since 2007. Share this post to improve the awareness of #WhiteBelliedHerons!

Chinese Pangolin

The #ChinesePangolin is a species native to the northern Indian subcontinent, northern parts of Southeast Asia, and southern China. This species of pangolins has been listed as Critically Endangered under the IUCN Red List since 2014. In 2016, the Chinese pangolin was moved from Appendix II to Appendix I under the CITES due to the rapid decline in the population. Share this post to improve the awareness of #ChinesePangolins!

White-rumped Vulture

The #WhiteRumpedVulture is a species native to South and Southeast Asia. In the 1980s, their global population was approximately 7 million individuals, but by 2016 it had declined to less than 10 000 mature individuals. This species has been listed as Critically Endangered under the IUCN Red List since 2000. The conservation measures have been taken suggesting captive-breeding programs, artificial feeding, etc. Share this post to improve the awareness of #WhiteRumpedVultures!

Nicobar Crab-eating Macaque

The #CrabEatingMacaque is a subspecies of the crab-eating macaque, found on three of the Nicobar Islands. Their habitat is mostly disturbed by human activities. Share this post to improve the awareness of #CrabEatingMacaques!

Javan Rhinoceros

The #JavanRhino is a very rare representative of the family Rhinocerotidae and one of the five living rhinoceroses. Share this post to improve the awareness of #JavanRhinoceros!

Siamese Crocodile

The #SiameseCrocodile is one of the most endangered crocodiles in the wild and is native to many countries of Asia. Currently, this species is listed under Appendix I of CITES. Share this post to improve the awareness of #SiameseCrocodiles!

Indo-Pacific Finless Porpoise

The #IndoPacificFinlessPorpoise is one of seven porpoise species. Their population is mostly spread in the southern and eastern waters of Hong Kong and sometimes can be found between the southern side of Lantau Island and Lamma Island. Share this post to improve the awareness of #FinlessPorpoises!


The #Gaur is a species of bison native to South and Southeast Asia. The gaur has been listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List since 1986 and the population has declined by more than 70% for the last three generations. Gaurs are mostly threatened by poaching and trade. Currently, CITES lists gaurs in its Appendix I. Share this post to improve the awareness of #Gaurs!

Malayan Tapir

The #MalayanTapir is the largest of the four widely-recognized species of tapir and the only one native to the continent of Asia. Share this post to improve the awareness of #MalayanTapirs!

Bactrian Camel

The #BactrianCamel, also known as the #MongolianCamel, is a representative of species of mammals, whose population has been recorded as 950 individuals in 2008. Share this post to improve the awareness of #BactrianCamels!

Red Panda

The #RedPanda is a species of mammals, and the global population currently is less than 10 000 individuals. Red Pandas  susceptible to the impact of climate change. Share this post to improve the awareness of #RedPandas!


#Baiji is the first species of dolphins that may go extinct due to human activities. It is the species having adapted from the ocean to the freshwater environment. Share this post to improve the awareness of #Baijis!

Asian Elephant

#AsianElephant is the only living species of the genus #Elephas and the largest living land animal in #Asia. 

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Saiga Antelope

#SaigaAntelope is a floppy-nosed #antelope, one of the species of #mammals that are critically endangered and whose population is decreasing every decade. 

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Snow Leopard

Our first species - one of the representatives of the family of mammals - is the #SnowLeopard with a decreasing population.

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Photo credits "Abandoned cats - calendar" by Stefan Tell is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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